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William Morris Gallery Shop

Seedball Wildflower Mix - Daisy

Regular price
£5.50 GBP
Regular price
Sale price
£5.50 GBP

Seed mix inspired by William Morris's 'Daisy' design, created by Seedball exclusively for the William Morris Gallery.

Seed balls are their own mini ecosystem, protecting seed from birds, ants and slugs and giving them the nutrition they need to have a head start. They do not need propagating and can simply be scattered onto moist, bare soil in the Autumn or Spring.

Each reusable tin contains 20 balls of 30 UK wild flower seeds.

Daisy mix includes:
- Oxeye Daisy
- Red Campion
- White Campion
- Corn Marigold
- Buttercup

Tin size: 6.5cm diameter x 2.5cm

Please note: These are available in the UK only

How seed balls work:

As the wildflower seeds are encased in clay and peat-free compost, they are essentially already “planted”. Simply scatter onto moist bare soil or compost (avoid scattering on grass) on a garden bed or in a pot, leaving at least 10cm between each ball.

The outer clay helps to prevent birds and insects from eating the seeds, keeping the seeds nicely protected and ensuring your bee and butterfly friendly wildflower garden has every chance of growing success.

With rain (or watering) and enough sun and warmth, the wildflower seeds inside the ball will start to germinate and little sprouts will begin to appear from the ball. This process can take 4-6 weeks from scattering. Seedball add chilli powder to the Seedball recipe to help deter slugs and snails from eating the young shoots.

Slowly the ball will disperse and become less visible, leaving a patch of young plants which will continue to grow and grow into a beautiful wildflower garden